and im not gonna put alaskans through that i promised efficiency and effectiveness thats not how im wired im not wired to operate under the same old politics as usual i promised that four years ago and i meant it it thats not what is best for alaska at this time im determined to take the right path for alaska even though it is unconventional and its not so comfortable with this announcement that im not seeking reelection ive determined its best to transfer the authority of governor to lieutenant governor parnell and i am willing to do this so that this administration with its positive agenda and its accomplishments and its successful road to an incredible future for alaska so that it can continue without interruption and with great administrative and legislative successmy choice is to take a stand and effect change and not just hit our head against the wall and watch valuable state time and money millions of your dollars go down the drain in this new political environment rather we know we can effect positive change outside government at this moment in time on another scale and actually make a difference for our priorities and so we will for alaskans and for americans lemme go back quickly to a comfortable analogy for me and thats sports basketball and i use it because you are naive if you dont see a full court press from the national level picking away right now a good point guard heres what she does she drives through a full court press protecting the ball keeping her head up because she needs to keep her eye on the basket and she knows exactly when to pass the ball so that the team can win and that is what im doing keeping our eye on the ball that represents sound priorities remember they include energy independence and smaller government and national security and freedom and i know when its time to pass the ball for victory and ive given my reasons now very candidly truthfully and my last day wont be for another few weeks so the transition will be very smooth in fact we look forward to swearing in sean parnell up there in fairbanks at the conclusion of our governors picnic at the end of the monthand i really dont want to disappoint anyone with this announcement not with the decision that i have made all that i can ask is that you trust me with this decision and know that it is no more politics as usual and some alaskans it seemed today maybe they dont mind wasting public dollars and state time but i do and i cannot stand here as your governor and allow the millions of dollars and all that time go to waste just so i can hold the title of governor and i dont know if my children are gonna allow it anyway some are gonna question the timing of this and let me just say this decision has been in the works for a while in fact this decision comes after much consideration prayer and consideration and finally i pulled the most important people in my life my kids where the count was unanimous well in response to asking hey do you want make a positive difference and fight for all our childrens future from outside the governors office it was four yesses and one hell yeah and the hell yeah sealed it and some day ill talk about the details of that i think though much of it for the kids had to do with recently seeing their baby brother trigg mocked and ridiculed by some pretty mean spirited adults recently and by the way i sure wish folks could ever understand all that we can learn all of us from someone like trigg i know he needs me but i know that i need him even more and what a child can offer to set priorities right know that time is precious the world needs more triggs not fewer my decision was also fortified during this most recent trip to kosovo and landstuhl to visit our wounded soldiers overseas those who truly sacrifice themselves in war for our freedom and our security and we can all learn from our selfless selfless troops theyre bold and they dont give up and they take a stand and they know that life is short so they choose not to waste time they choose to be productive and serve something greater than self and to build up their families and their states and our great country these troops and their important missions now there is where truly the worthy causes are in this world and thats where our public resources should be our public priority with time and resources spent on that not on this superficial wasteful political bloodsport so may we all learn from them really weve just gotta put first things first and first things first as governor i love my job and i love alaska and it hurts to make this choice but im doing whats best for alaska and i have explained why though i think of the saying on my parents refrigerator a little magnet that says dont explain your friends dont need it and your enemies wont believe you anyway but ive given my reasons its no more politics as usual and im taking my fight for whats right for alaska in a new directionnow despite this i dont want any one any alaskan dissuaded from entering politics after seeing this real climate change that began in august no we need hardworking average americans fighting for whats right and i will support you because we need you and you can effect change and i can too on the outside we need those who will respect our constitution where government is supposed to serve from the bottom up and not move toward this top down big government takeover but rather will be protectors of individual rights who also have enough common sense to acknowledge when conditions have drastically changed and theyre willing to call an audible and pass the ball when its time so the team can win and thats what im doing remember alaska america is now more than ever looking north to the future and itll be good so god bless you and from me and from my family to all alaska you have my heart and were gonna be in really great hands the capable hands of our lieutenant governor sean parnell and lieutenant general craig campbell then will assume the role of lieutenant governor and its my promise to you that i will always be standing by ready to assist we have a good positive agenda for alaska take the words of general macarthur he said we are not retreating we are advancing in another direction so with that imonna hand this over to our good lieutenant governor and again i say thank you and god bless you alaska
--- Sarah Palin, Rücktrittserklärung als Governor von Alaska
Samstag, 4. Juli 2009
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